
NVMy Fungal Update Meeting - 2024

Congress details

See below for all information, including program.
  • When: 4 October - 4 October 2024
  • Location: Cultuur- en Congrescentrum Antropia, Driebergen, The Netherlands
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General Information

Registration fees
NVMy members                                       EUR 150
Non-members                                           EUR 230
Analysts, technicians and PhDs      EUR   75

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie (NVMM): 6 credits

Are you interested in supporting this congress?
You can send an email to: sponsoring@congresscare.com

Cancellation Regulations
See our general terms and conditions here



1stPLENARY SESSION 9.15 – 11.00h
09.15-09.20h Welcome
09.20-09.45h Aspergillus & antifungal resistance
Mike Bromley, University of Manchester
09.45-10.10h Pneumocystis diagnostics and management
Alexandre Alanio, Institut Pasteur
10.10-10.35h Mycetoma clinical trials
Wendy van de Sande, Erasmus MC
10.35-11.00h Resistant dermatophytes
Marie Pierre Hayette, CHU Liège

11.00-11.30h       BREAK

2nd PLENARY SESSION 11.30-12.30h
11.30-11.42h Playing hide and seek with Candida
Peggy Godschalk, Meander MC
11.42-11.54h A rare cause of a swollen toe
Maaike Biewenga, Erasmus MC
11.54-12.06h Casus Scedosporium infection of a hogweed wound
Tjomme van der Bruggen, UMCU
12.06-12.18h Casus ‘puzzling’ meningitis
Eelco Meijer, CWZ
12.18-12.30h Casus Mucorales infection of the brain
Heleen Aardema, UMCG

12.30-13.30h LUNCH

PARALLEL SESSIONS 13.30 – 15.00h
13.30-13.42h Automatic surveillance of fungi
Sam Kleinsteuber, LUMC
13.42-13.54h Loss of heterozygosity and outbreak detection
Bram Spruijtenburg, CWZ
13.54-14.06h The occurrence of Magnusiomyces infections in pediatric oncology patients
Jop Jans, UMCU
14.06-14.18h Past, current and future of three Fonsecaea agents of human chromoblastomycosis
Ricardo Belmonte-Lopes, Radboudumc
14.18-14.30h Machine learning in clinical mycology 
Mehmet Ergun, Radboudumc
14.30-14.40h Insights into the epidemiology of Pichia norvegensis
Lars Moret, WI-KNAW
14.40-14.52h A puzzling infection caused by a tropical yeast
Astrid Oude Lashof, MUMC+
14.52-15.02 Iron levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of hematological patients with suspected invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and their association with 12-week mortality
Hanne Lamberink, Erasmus MC

13.30-13.42h Genomic insights into the rise of 5FC resistance in Candida tropicalis across the Netherlands
Fatima Delma, Radboudumc
13.42-13.54h Spores in the Wind: Investigating airborne Mucorales species and their implication in mucormycosis within the Netherlands 
Mandy de Jong, Amsterdam UMC
13.54-14.06h Improving molecular diagnostics for eumycetoma in Sudan 
Emmanuel Siddig, Erasmus MC
14.06-14.18h On the (schimmel)radar: Large-scale spatial air sampling reveals landscape-level predictors of triazole resistance in the Dutch airborne population of Aspergillus fumigatus
Hylke Kortenbosch, WUR

14.18-14.30h Global patterns of antifungal resistance in Aspergillus flavus
Shaoqin Zhou, Radboudumc

14.30-14.42h From PCR to TR: High-throughput resistance mechanism analysis for Aspergillus fumigatus from Dutch Citizen Science project Fungal Radar
Bo Briggeman, WUR
14.42-14.54h Breaking good: Citizen science as education and inspiration for antifungal drug discovery 
Klementine Burrell-Sander, University of Sydney & Erasmus MC

15.00-15.30h       BREAK

3rd PLENARY SESSION 15.30-17.00h
15.30-15.50h Fungal pathogens exposed – The Candida haemulonii species complex
Auke de Jong, WI-KNAW/RIVM
15.50-16.10h Optimalisation of Candida auris diagnostics
Roel Nijhuis, Meander MC
16.10-16.30h Candida auris BRMO-guidelines
Veronica Weterings, Amphia
16.30-16.55h Candida auris in Belgium
Katrien Lagrou, KU Leuven
16.55-17.00h Closing

17.00-18.00h       DRINKS

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