
Our services

We are your specialist

Are you looking for a reliable partner with extensive knowledge of the world of healthcare conferences? Then Congress Care is the right choice for you. With our years of experience in successfully organising both physical and online healthcare conferences, we understand exactly what it takes to make your conference a success. You can confidently entrust the logistical organisation to us. We are certified as a Dutch Recognised Conference Company, and internationally accredited by IAPCO.

Services Congress Care.

What we can do for you

Whether you are considering having your entire conference organised from A to Z or just need specific support, such as sponsor acquisition or logistical assistance, Congress Care is the right choice for you. You can find more information about our services on the following pages:

Conference organisation

Let us organise your entire conference, taking care of every detail from planning to execution.

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Membership administration

We take on the administrative burden of managing members, allowing you to focus on the core activities of your association.

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Sponsor acquisition &
exhibition management

With our expertise we assist you in attracting sponsors and managing exhibitors.

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Webinars &
hybrid conferences

Discover how we can fully support you in organising effective webinars and successful hybrid conferences.

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Take the first step towards a successful conference and discover how Congress Care can assist you.
