
Twent-EHA 2024 – Het Groene Alternatief

Congress details

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From the Sallandse Heuvelrug Hotel in Twente, we will immerse ourselves in 4 days of the Hematology of the Future. Twent-EHA 2024 will take place from Thursday, June 13 – Sunday, June 16, concurrently with the EHA meeting.

The event will combine live sessions from Madrid with discussions to put the data into perspective for Dutch practice. A challenging program across the full breadth of Hematology will be put together by our own scientific advisory board. Naturally, a social program with sports challenges will not be missing.

Twent-EHA 2024 thus has everything for a sustainable congress visit, to meet colleagues and experience the field in a relaxed manner.

Voor ons is iedere bijeenkomst een uniek evenement en daarom leveren wij altijd maatwerk
