
Combined 61st NOF Congress and NOV-Jaarcongres

Congress details

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The Netherlands Orthopaedic Association (NOV) organizes this bi-annual international congress on behalf of the NOF. We are very honoured with your participation and we are proud to present an excellent, innovative scientific programme.

Preceeding this congress (the day before) we will host a review course with exciting lectures and live surgery sessions. Apart from the scientific topics and fruitful discussions, this congress also is a typical social event, where we meet old friends and make new friends.

We aim to exchange ideas on the research and the organisation of the NOF-member societies and build bridges between the young and old, the past and the future. Like the city of Rotterdam we embrace diversity. After all, the NOF, as well as the NOV, have a long-standing tradition in this respect.

Voor ons is iedere bijeenkomst een uniek evenement en daarom leveren wij altijd maatwerk
